Hi! I'm Ayushman.

Frontend Developer and Designer

I design and code beautifully simple ideas of someones's imagination, and I love what I do.

Living, learning, & leveling up one day at a time.

Services I Offer

Responsive design:

This includes the ability of a website to adapt to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring that the site looks and functions correctly on everything from desktop computers to smartphones.

Web design and Frontend development:

This could include creating the overall look and feel of a website, as well as coding and implementing the frontend of the site using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Frontend frameworks.

User Interface(UI) design:

It includes the design of user interfaces for software and digital products, such as websites and mobile applications. It involves creating the visual layout, look and feel, and interactive elements of a user interface, with the goal of making the product easy to use and aesthetically pleasing.

    My Work Includes :-
    Web design: Creating the layout, color scheme, and other visual elements of a website, as well as designing interactive elements such as buttons and forms.
    Mobile app design: Designing the user interface for a mobile application, including layout, navigation, and interactive elements.

Beautiful Designs

I value simple content structure, clean design patterns, and thoughtful interactions.

Creating elegant designs suited for your needs based on design theory.

Things I enjoy designing:

UI design, Product design, Logo, Apps and Pamphlets

Design tools:


Adobe XD



Pen & Paper




Coding the web

I like to code things from scratch, and enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser.

I also enjoy learning new frontend technologies and framework to keep myself updated.

Technologies I code in:

HTML, CSS, Js, React.Js and Git

Dev tools/Frameworks:

React Js

Tailwind CSS






Problem Solving

As a problem solver I use to think and create better approach for solving bugs, errors, and can see problem definition through various persepective

Creating new approach and learning by doing makes me Generate new ideas, Implement and evaluate them, Evaluate and select the solution .

Programming languages I try on:

Python, CPP, C, Java,and DSA

Websites and Editors:





VS Code

My Recent Work

Here are my projects and designs I've worked on.

Want to see more of it?

My designs -

My Frontend projects -